Monday, March 15, 2010

The Sound of Musicals

There's something about having a blog that gives me guilt about not posting in it. Oddly enough, the rarely used journal in my drawer doesn't have the same effect on me. Ahh well... it's time.

I've been busy lately, which is nice for me. I mean, I can be busy almost all the time, but I'm not necessarily accomplishing anything. For example - busy... reading; busy... playing computer games; etc. And there's always housework and mother-work, but that's pretty routine for everyone whether they're swamped with work, home with a three year old, or just being a wife and mom. So when I talk about it being nice to be busy, it's because the reason is out of the ordinary.

I've been costuming for Fiddler on the Roof, our SLHS musical that's coming up the end of April. It's been such a joy. I laugh as I say that because although it's absolutely true, anyone watching or listening to Starr and I moan and groan over all we have to do probably wouldn't believe me. It's definitely overwhelming at times. We walk into the costume room and see mounds and mounds of cloths and cloth and "stuff" and sometimes just want to pull our hair out. But a large drink from Sonic and a little organization put us back on track and we're ready to go again.

So why do I love it? I love musicals. I love working with Starr Nicholas. I love the teenagers involved and working with them. I love being working for an activity my kids are involved in. I love costuming. I LOVE SHOW BIZ! (The former were not listed in any particular prioritized order.) The best dates I've been on were to Phantom with my husband, and Wicked with my daughter. The BEST!!

I've been listening to the soundtracks from musicals since I was young. I knew and loved all the songs to The Sound of Music long before I got to actually watch the movie. (And I have to add - I was even named after a character on that movie!) We didn't have television for many years, and the great musicals had all been in the theater long before I was alive, but my parents had a Sound of Music record I loved listening to. Finally, one summer it was brought back to the theaters and I got to actually see it. Twice! (LOVED it - naturally!) For a later birthday my parents gave me an 8-track tape of Fiddler on the Roof. Again, it was a long time before I actually got to see it, but by then I knew and loved the music well. My Dad, while a teacher in the Clay Springs Elementary school, put on several plays with the kids. As a 6th grader I got the part of the witch in Hansel and Gretel and loved it! I also remember helping him with the music when they put on Tom Sawyer and Peter Pan. During my Jr. High years I got to see Music Man and Oklahoma performed in the Show Low auditorium. I started collecting the piano music to these and others. Finally during my senior year of High School I too had the opportunity to perform and sing in the musical, Oliver! It was one - if not the highlight of the year for me. The acting bug got me. To this day I still wish I could get up on the stage and act and sing in every other musical I've worked on. Unfortunately the time for me to play Liesl (or even Maria) has long past, but who knows...maybe someday my time will come again.

I can't say enough about Starr. She is about the best friend a woman could have - in happy times and sad. I'm so grateful to know her. I'd talked to her about plays she was working on for years. As my little kids started growing up and giving me more ability to do other things, I asked to help her in the next play coming up. The previous play, Music Man, had not had her costuming expertise and we'd somehow made it without her, but having Starr at the helm of the Beauty & the Beast ship
was of dire importance. She accepted my help and kindly made me one of her right hands...(or left?) for B&B. I did my best to be an asset rather than a liability and must have managed that okay because she's put me to work in the next play Crazy for You, and now Fiddler. We've had so much fun together, deciding what worked, what didn't, and
making hundreds of custumes. It's been so much work, but so rewarding. This year I've felt like more of a partner than a lowly assistant and that's been great too. The turning point for me was one day when she asked my opinion, and I lazily said, "Oh, whatever you like best." She responded, "I know, but I wanted your opinion." I snapped out of it and realized, yeah - she did want my opinion, and more often than not - she took my opinion as well. It often coincided with the way she felt;
she just wanted to be sure. Since then I've felt far more confident in stating opinions and making decisions on my own and she helped give me that confidence.

As far as the kids go, I just love 'em! Who says teenagers are awful?! They're wrong. I love teenagers. Mine...and the others as well. They have their moody or bratty moments, but don't we all. Generally they're so much fun to be around. It's hard not to want to hang out with them. (Of course they don't want me to...) I've been able to get to know so many of the kids at school who otherwise I would not have even met. And they're really great kids. Of course I adore my own as well, and relish the time I've been able to spend working in their environment.

My husband gave a family home evening yesterday at my parent's home about being happy. He laughed telling me it was directed at me. I glared back. No...not really. I laughed too - because I knew he meant it. (Dangit!) Sometimes... okay, a lot of time... I do have a hard time being happy and finding joy. Darren used a talk by Richard G. Scott. One of the points made in it was that keeping busy is a good way to be happy and not have time to dwell on those things that are bothering us. I believe this is so true. I think we do spend more time feeling sorry for ourselves when we're not actively moving and/or doing something to help others. It's obvious to others too, as my family can tell the difference in my general attitude. My house is an absolute disaster area. My bedroom has clothes all over the place and I'm not sure where the laundry room countertop went to. My kitchen table is covered with the fabrics and trims of Jewish prayer shawls, daughter dresses, and men's caps. My diet consists of Dr. Pepper and more Dr. Pepper. (So no "diet" involved there...) But - the sound of mean, Fiddler is heard around my home, and I'm happy about it.

1 comment:

  1. Fun post! I love musicals and acting also. Here's my dilema...I sing tenor! If only I could convince some director what a great Tevia, or Don Quixote I could be...I could die happy.

    If I were a rich man....

