Saturday, January 30, 2010

New blog, same hobbies, new methods!

I started a blog previously with the intention of sharing some of our fun travels as well as practicing my writing skills once again. I had a hard time doing both. The posting of photos seemed to take over the writing aspects. So I figured out if I separate them I might have some better success in working at my goals. And as it's a new year, a new decade - that's always a good thing to do, right?

I've been having some fun scrapping on my computer for the past couple weeks. Here's some of what I've been up to...

Having said that (and posted these) I will keep the other blog more for showing off Darren's photos and such, while using this one for my own musings, bragging, whining, and all those other things one does in a blog from time to time.
Because, after all, I might intend to write terribly interesting and witty dialogue in every
single post, but now experience has taught me that I'm not as good a writer, as witty, as happy, and full of great ideas as I thought I might be. And sometimes ( okay - a lot of times) I have rotten days. I'm normal, right? So by admitting it maybe I can get over that perfectionist hump and just talk about what's on my mind.

Lately, that has been my computer photobooking. My husband Darren tried to get me to switch over from the paper, glue, and media type scrapbooking years ago and I wouldn't do it, insisting that l loved how cute I do make my own pages, etc. I just couldn't be less interested. But I tried one...and then another...using a website with predesigned pages and layouts. It was so easy and actually a lot of fun. The main thing though was that I loved the result - a beautiful, thin, hardbound book with our photos displayed exactly how I'd laid them out. So...I got hooked. Don't you just hate it when you have to admit your husband was right?!

Since then I've learned new techniques and new programs that are helping me "Scrapbook" my photos in the old style but all digitally. And while I no longer visit any scrapbook stores I've discovered a whole new world of digital stores and "freebies!" I've already accumulated lots of great artwork to use and unlike regular stickers and paper it's all reusable! I could go on, but I'll take pity on you and stop there. Suffice it to say, I'm enjoying my hobby again after a few years of doing nothing and that's exciting to me. It helps me look forward to the year as well take more notice of what's going on around me and with my family - which is always a good thing.